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Please see my Google scholar profile for my most updated list of publications.


Peer-reviewed publications for journals

Pulkkinen, K. (Forthcoming). “Kemian filosofia.” Ensyklopedia Logos.


Pulkkinen, K. (Forthcoming). “Bonifatii Kedrov’s methodological essays: Marxist histories of

chemistry, science, and technology, Kagakushi.


Pulkkinen, K. 2023. “On Compatibility between Presentism and Anti-Presentism in History

of Science.” Journal of the Philosophy of History, 17(2), 310-327.


Pulkkinen, K., Undorf, S., Bender, F. A-M., 2022. “Values in climate modelling: testing the practical applicability of the Moral Imagination ideal.” European Journal for Philosophy of Science.

Undorf, S., Pulkkinen, K., Wikman-Svahn, P., Bender, F. A-M. 2022. ”How do value-judgements enter model-based assessments of climate sensitivity?” Climatic Change 174, 19

Pulkkinen, K. 2020. “Values in the Development of Early Periodic Tables,” Ambix, 67:2, 174



Campbell, C., & Pulkkinen, K. 2020. “How Mendeleev issued his predictions: comment on

Andrea Woody,” Foundations of Chemistry,


Pulkkinen, K. “Values and periodicity: Mendeleev's reception of the equations of Mills,  Chicherin, and Vincent.” Centaurus. 61: 405– 423.


Pulkkinen, K. “The Value of Completeness: How Mendeleev Used His Periodic System to Make Predictions.” Philosophy of Science, 86(5), 1318-1329.


Book chapters

Walsh, K., and Pulkkinen, K.  (Forthcoming). “Philosophy of Science in the Archive.” In Currie, A., &

Veigl, S. (eds). Philosophy of Science: A User’s Guide. MIT Press.

Commentaries and editorials

​Gani, S., Arnal, L., Beattie, L., Hillier, J., Illingworth, S., Lanza, T., Mohadjer, S., Pulkkinen, K., Roop, H., Stewart, I., von Elverfeldt, K., and Zihms, S.: Editorial: The shadowlands of science communication in academia — definitions, problems, and possible solutions, EGUsphere [preprint],

Pulkkinen, Karoliina, Sabine Undorf, Frida Bender, Per Wikman-Svahn, Francisco Doblas                     Reyes, Clare Flynn, Gabriele C. Hegerl, Aiden Jönsson, Gah-Kai Leung, Joe Roussos,                        Theodore G. Shepherd, and Erica Thompson. “The Value of Values in Climate Science.” Nature Climate Change.

Book reviews


Forthcoming essay review of Eric Scerri & Elena Ghibaudi (Eds.) 2020. What Is A

 Chemical Element? Oxford University Press. Michael D. Gordin. (2019). A Well-Ordered

Thing: Dmitrii Mendeleev and the Shadow of the Periodic Table. (Revised edition.). Princeton

University Press.  Gisela Boeck & Alan J. Rocke. (2022). Lothar Meyer: Modern Theories

and Pathways to Periodicity. Birckhäuser.


2022  Review of Ball, P. The Elements: A Visual History of Their Discovery. 224 pp., illus.,

index. Chicago/London: University of Chicago Press, 2021. Isis 113 (2):426-427.


2021  ”Timing discoveries, timing updated editions.” Metascience (2021).


2019 "Mendeleev to Oganesson: A Multidisciplinary Perspective on the Periodic Table,” Ambix, 66(4), 365–367.


PhD thesis

Pulkkinen, K. J. (2020). Values in Action: Simplicity, Completeness, and Carefulness in the Development of the Systematisations of Chemical Elements.

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