Please see my Google scholar profile for my most updated list of publications.
Peer-reviewed publications for journals
Pulkkinen, K. (Forthcoming). “Kemian filosofia.” Ensyklopedia Logos.
Pulkkinen, K. (Forthcoming). “Bonifatii Kedrov’s methodological essays: Marxist histories of
chemistry, science, and technology, Kagakushi.
Pulkkinen, K. 2023. “On Compatibility between Presentism and Anti-Presentism in History
of Science.” Journal of the Philosophy of History, 17(2), 310-327.
Pulkkinen, K., Undorf, S., Bender, F. A-M., 2022. “Values in climate modelling: testing the practical applicability of the Moral Imagination ideal.” European Journal for Philosophy of Science.
Undorf, S., Pulkkinen, K., Wikman-Svahn, P., Bender, F. A-M. 2022. ”How do value-judgements enter model-based assessments of climate sensitivity?” Climatic Change 174, 19
Pulkkinen, K. 2020. “Values in the Development of Early Periodic Tables,” Ambix, 67:2, 174
Campbell, C., & Pulkkinen, K. 2020. “How Mendeleev issued his predictions: comment on
Andrea Woody,” Foundations of Chemistry,
Pulkkinen, K. “Values and periodicity: Mendeleev's reception of the equations of Mills, Chicherin, and Vincent.” Centaurus. 61: 405– 423.
Pulkkinen, K. “The Value of Completeness: How Mendeleev Used His Periodic System to Make Predictions.” Philosophy of Science, 86(5), 1318-1329.
Book chapters
Walsh, K., and Pulkkinen, K. (Forthcoming). “Philosophy of Science in the Archive.” In Currie, A., &
Veigl, S. (eds). Philosophy of Science: A User’s Guide. MIT Press.
Commentaries and editorials
Gani, S., Arnal, L., Beattie, L., Hillier, J., Illingworth, S., Lanza, T., Mohadjer, S., Pulkkinen, K., Roop, H., Stewart, I., von Elverfeldt, K., and Zihms, S.: Editorial: The shadowlands of science communication in academia — definitions, problems, and possible solutions, EGUsphere [preprint],
Pulkkinen, Karoliina, Sabine Undorf, Frida Bender, Per Wikman-Svahn, Francisco Doblas Reyes, Clare Flynn, Gabriele C. Hegerl, Aiden Jönsson, Gah-Kai Leung, Joe Roussos, Theodore G. Shepherd, and Erica Thompson. “The Value of Values in Climate Science.” Nature Climate Change.
Book reviews
Forthcoming essay review of Eric Scerri & Elena Ghibaudi (Eds.) 2020. What Is A
Chemical Element? Oxford University Press. Michael D. Gordin. (2019). A Well-Ordered
Thing: Dmitrii Mendeleev and the Shadow of the Periodic Table. (Revised edition.). Princeton
University Press. Gisela Boeck & Alan J. Rocke. (2022). Lothar Meyer: Modern Theories
and Pathways to Periodicity. Birckhäuser.
2022 Review of Ball, P. The Elements: A Visual History of Their Discovery. 224 pp., illus.,
index. Chicago/London: University of Chicago Press, 2021. Isis 113 (2):426-427.
2021 ”Timing discoveries, timing updated editions.” Metascience (2021).
2019 "Mendeleev to Oganesson: A Multidisciplinary Perspective on the Periodic Table,” Ambix, 66(4), 365–367.
PhD thesis
Pulkkinen, K. J. (2020). Values in Action: Simplicity, Completeness, and Carefulness in the Development of the Systematisations of Chemical Elements.